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Contracts and Tenders

Contract and Tendering information

Ref.Contract NameSupplier NameTotal ValueStart DatePeriod (months)End Date
HCC2416056Completion of works as per quotation ref PCL10950. To include Additional cost to overboard the AIB low level panels in the lounge area with a coloured PVC cladding including joining and corner strips for £2,950.55. Pier Contractors Limited£4,600.5501/08/2024230/09/2024
HCC2415725Embedded asbestos consultantDAH Consultants Limited£27,650.0001/04/2024527/09/2024
HCC2416138Targeted refurbishment survey as per the highlighted plans and emails provided on the 5th September 2024. On completion of the survey a report will be provided, included within the report is all bulk sampling, bulk sample analysis and full report with photographic evidence. The report provided will be fully UKAS & HSG264 compliant.Pier Contractors Limited£820.0006/09/2024130/09/2024
HCC2416133Undertake an asbestos demolition survey of the collapsed stable blockInspectas Compliance Ltd£600.0009/09/2024027/09/2024

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