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Hertfordshire County Council




Our ambition is:

  • to provide a network of vibrant modern libraries that are destination venues welcoming the whole community
  • to enable opportunities for making real-world, social connections with other people, services, organisations and businesses.


We will:

  • give people opportunities to shape the services on offer and to actively participate
  • ensure our libraries are as diverse and inclusive as our communities
  • seek opportunities to reprovide libraries that are not well located or suitable for delivering a vibrant modern service
  • support small businesses in the community.


Which will:

  • build a strong sense of local identity and community pride
  • ensure that people feel valued and that they belong here
  • build positive networks that combat loneliness
  • contribute to local economic growth.








Our ambition:

  • to make our libraries local cultural destination venues on the high street
  • to extend our programme of events and increase our audiences, making best use of flexible spaces and online platforms.


We will:

  • deliver an exciting and eclectic programme of events throughout the year which appeals to diverse audiences of all ages
  • secure external funding to continually extend and develop our programme
  • build excellent partnerships with other creative organisations to increase opportunities for everyone.


Which will:

  • inspire individuals to discover and explore their own creativity
  • support the creative industries in Hertfordshire
  • showcase and nurture local talent.








Our ambition:

  • to be the starting point for everyone wanting to actively improve their well-being and to reduce loneliness.


We will:

  • connect with health professionals and organisations
  • develop strong and innovative social prescribing partnerships that take a holistic approach to managing well-being
  • provide signposts to trusted sources of health information
  • use our unique position in the heart of communities to reach target audiences.


Which will:

  • prevent more expensive long-term care by enabling positive early interventions
  • help people to live better lives for longer.





Investing in our volunteers – to ensure libraries are a great place to volunteer we will:

  • welcome people who enjoy actively participating in their local community
  • provide opportunities to gain valuable work experience
  • offer a range of volunteering roles to appeal to all ages from all backgrounds
  • provide training and ongoing support for all our volunteers, both face to face and online
  • recognise the valuable contribution that our dedicated volunteers make to our services.



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