Ref. | Contract Name | Supplier Name | Total Value | Start Date | Period (months) | End Date |
HCC2314972 | Hertfordshire Music Service(HMS) wants to purchase digital music software for Hertfordshire Schools, to be use in schools on non-HCC devices during music lessons. Hertfordshire Music Service would like to order software licenses on behalf of the schools and invoice the schools. | Music Sales Digital Services LLC | £164,000.00 | 01/09/2023 | 24 | 31/08/2025 |
HCC2213562 | Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub. | Electric Umbrella | £600,000.00 | 01/07/2022 | 36 | 30/06/2025 |
HCC2213562 | Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub. | Heritage Music | £600,000.00 | 01/07/2022 | 36 | 30/06/2025 |
HCC2213562 | Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub. | John Packer Ltd | £600,000.00 | 01/07/2022 | 36 | 30/06/2025 |
HCC2213562 | Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub. | Normans (Burton upon Trent) Ltd | £600,000.00 | 01/07/2022 | 36 | 30/06/2025 |
HCC2213562 | Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub. | Prozone Music | £600,000.00 | 01/07/2022 | 36 | 30/06/2025 |
HCC2213562 | Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub. | Rimmers Music Limited | £600,000.00 | 01/07/2022 | 36 | 30/06/2025 |