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Contract and Tendering information

Ref.Contract NameSupplier NameTotal ValueStart DatePeriod (months)End Date
HCC2314972Hertfordshire Music Service(HMS) wants to purchase digital music software for Hertfordshire Schools, to be use in schools on non-HCC devices during music lessons. Hertfordshire Music Service would like to order software licenses on behalf of the schools and invoice the schools.Music Sales Digital Services LLC£164,000.0001/09/20232431/08/2025
HCC2213562Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub.Electric Umbrella£600,000.0001/07/20223630/06/2025
HCC2213562Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub.Heritage Music £600,000.0001/07/20223630/06/2025
HCC2213562Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub.John Packer Ltd£600,000.0001/07/20223630/06/2025
HCC2213562Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub.Normans (Burton upon Trent) Ltd£600,000.0001/07/20223630/06/2025
HCC2213562Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub.Prozone Music£600,000.0001/07/20223630/06/2025
HCC2213562Hertfordshire Music Service, part of Hertfordshire County Council’s Children’s Services, is one of the largest music services in the country and lead partner in the Hertfordshire Music Education Hub.Rimmers Music Limited£600,000.0001/07/20223630/06/2025

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