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Contracts and Tenders

Contract and Tendering information

Ref.Contract NameSupplier NameTotal ValueStart DatePeriod (months)End Date
HCC2315228Longfield - Town planning work WSP UK£8,824.7530/09/20231330/09/2024
HCC2315458Planning ApplicationTye Architects £30,000.0008/12/20231331/12/2024
HCC2415618Planning applicationElmaw Consulting£5,521.0001/02/20241328/02/2025
HCC2315290Planning Work - Brookfield Garden VillageTetra Consulting Ltd£233,000.0031/10/20231331/10/2024
HCC2415862To assess the capacity of special schools by utilising the current Building Bulletin (BB104) to identify shortfalls and surplus areas against room types identified and ensure that best use is made of existing assets1st Planner£75,000.0001/06/2024630/11/2024
HCC2415676Town Planning advice to support preapplication preparations and submission, public consultation, planning application preparation and submission, determination of application and discharge of planning conditions. WSP UK£26,700.0001/02/20241328/02/2025

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