Ref. | Contract Name | Supplier Name | Total Value | Start Date | Period (months) | End Date |
HCC2415776 | Administration of Abnormal Loads Service for the Highways Structures Team | Cascade Software Limited | £78,000.00 | 01/05/2024 | 36 | 30/04/2027 |
HCC2314681 | Automated collection of pupil data from Herts schools - demographics, enrolment & attendance | Community Brands UK Ltd | £93,750.00 | 01/04/2023 | 36 | 31/03/2026 |
HCC2012267 | Cloud based solution for HR services | SAP UK Ltd | £1,637,800.00 | 01/07/2020 | 60 | 30/06/2025 |
HCC2012435 | Contract to provide the use of cloud software to provide an intranet for Hertfordshire County Council. | Odyssey Interactive Ltd | £195,840.00 | 07/09/2024 | 24 | 06/09/2026 |
HCC2213575 | Implementation, Configuration and Licencing | Unifii Ltd | £450,000.00 | 15/06/2022 | 36 | 14/06/2025 |
HCC2113029 | Provision of website search engine contract for HCC's website | Cludo | £29,106.00 | 04/09/2021 | 36 | 05/09/2025 |
HCC2315430 | Replacement of tfCloud for the housing and facilities management needs for the Gypsy & Traveller Service | OmniLedger Ltd | £36,500.00 | 01/02/2024 | 38 | 31/03/2027 |
HCC2214052 | SAFS current contract with Datatank for a CMS ends in March 2023. This contract will replace the SAFS current contract for 2-4 years. The Max budget available is will be £12.5k per annum. The CMS is used to manage all investigations conducted by SAFS for its partners and needs to be a well established web-based solution accessible from anywhere on any device with appropriate levels of security. An agreed set of specifications has been agreed for this contract. | Intec for Business Limited | £50,000.00 | 01/04/2023 | 48 | 31/03/2027 |
HCC2314956 | To provide HCC with a travel management system | Corporate Travel Management (CTM) formally known as Redfern | £375,000.00 | 13/09/2023 | 24 | 12/09/2025 |