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Hertfordshire County Council



Support for dads

Being a father is extremely rewarding, but at the same time it comes with many challenges and can be a big learning curve, particularly for new dads. With so many resources being aimed at mums, we have collated a collection of places to go for advice, guidance and support especially aimed at dads, step-dads, male carers and men that act as a role model in a child or young person’s life.

Transition to fatherhood Local services Paternal mental health support Benefits and financial support Veteran support Young parents Getting to know your baby




Transition to Fatherhood


For dads and partners planning a pregnancy and having a baby are life-changing and exciting events.  It can feel very new and maybe a bit daunting, but we have lots of information and support to help you.



Guidance and information all about why babies cry, strategies, and parent/carer safety planning.


Music. Football. Fatherhood

Music Football Fatherhood | For dads who want more open conversations around fatherhood - Music.Football.Fatherhood - open conversations around fatherhood.


Fatherhood Institute

The Fatherhood Institute works to build a society that values, prepares, and supports men as involved fathers and caregivers.


Institute of Health Visiting

The period from conception to the age of 2 is an important time for child development and experiences and during this time can influence the rest of a child’s life. Relationships between dads and their children matter from day 1.

Fathers are important and good mental health is important for fathers, their partners, and their children. Close involvement of fathers from birth supports positive family/couple relationships and fathers have an important role to play in child development.


Dads Zone – Lullaby Trust

Advice on safe sleep and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – the sudden and unexpected death of a baby where no cause is found.

Rights and Entitlements

Find out what rights fathers have to attend antenatal appointments, unpaid leave, paternity leave and adding a father’s name to a birth certificate.


Local services

Health in Herts – advice on diet and exercise, mental health, quitting smoking and dealing with alcohol or drug dependency

Family centres – Find out more about the Becoming Dad FREE inclusive workshop for new and expectant fathers:-Becoming Dad - more information and how to book 

POhWER Advocacy – a charity and the advocacy information and advice services we provide are free, independent and confidential and we help people who, because of disability, illness, social exclusion and other challenges, find it difficult to express their views or get the support they need. Our mission is to empower people to have a voice and make a real difference to their lives.  We do this by speaking for them when they can’t and supporting them to speak for themselves whey they can.

Government guidance for form C100 – Apply for a court order to make arrangements for a child or resolve a dispute about their upbringing. You may be able to apply on line. 

Hertfordshire reusable nappy discount scheme – our mission is to make reusable nappies accessible for all Hertfordshire residents, by providing support, advice and discounts off a range of reusable nappies and accessories. With the right support, switching to reusables can be an easy way to improve your child’s comfort and health, reduce your household waste and reduce your regular expenses on disposable nappies.

Who Let The Dads Out? - Dads groups being run in Hertfordshire’s churches. All groups are committed to being a welcoming place for fathers and father figures to spend quality time with their children.


Paternal mental health support

Happiness, wellbeing and mental health – whether you're looking for self-help resources to boost your mental health, need a listening ear or emotional support, or you are in crisis and need urgent help. This page has links to the Single Point of Access for mental health support along with links to Samaritans, MIND, NHS Wellbeing Service along with some good self help links and contacts.

New dads mental health advice – BBC Tiny Happy People

Hertfordshire Mind Network – a range of self-development courses for people aged 19+ designed to improve well-being, build confidence, and gain new skills.

NightLight Crisis Helpline – Hertfordshire Mind Network – a countywide out-of-hours mental health crisis service providing a safe and welcoming space for people who are feeling distressed and experiencing a crisis. 01923 256391.


Benefits and financial support

Check what benefits and financial support you can get and find out about paternity leave, child benefit and child maintenance here  Benefits and financial support for families 

Healthy start: Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)

Find out what support you can get with the cost of living in Hertfordshire Help to manage the cost of living | Hertfordshire County Council

Universal Credit – a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work. 

Benefits and financial support for families

Help with homeless applications – if you are homeless or worried about becoming homeless, contact your local council as soon as possible.

Shelter – if you have a housing problem we can help. Locally, our advice and support services offer one-to-one, personalised help with housing issues and homelessness. 0808 800 4444.

Help with the cost of living – find out what support you can get with the cost of living.

Veteran support

Op COURAGE (NHS) – provides mental health support for our veterans. The first call for help takes courage. If you or someone you now is struggling with their mental health or wellbeing, expert help is available. If you are due to leave the Armed Forces, have just left or left many years ago, Op COURAGE is here to help you. 0300 421 8100.

The Icarus Charity – veteran-led mental health treatment charity. We provide therapy, counselling and help for a range of difficulties and problems which often evolve from trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or other commonly related conditions, such as anger-management, excessive alcohol use and drug abuse. We are open to all uniformed services, whether in the Army, Navy or the Air Force. Treatment is free of charge to all veterans. 0333 987 5055.


Young parents

16-19 Bursary fund – you could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you’re aged 16 to 19 and:

  • studying at a publicly funded school or college in England (not a university). A publicly funded school is one that does not charge you for attending it
  • on a training course, including unpaid work experience.

Herts Young Homeless – we offer a variety of free services open to all 16–24-year-olds who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. We also have a Health Service which has no upper age limit.

Ohana Support group – for young parents who are in care and care leavers. Ohana provides practical support for young parents.

Youth Projects for Young Parents – information, advice and support around issues such as employment, education, training, housing, money etc. 

The Care to Learn scheme can help with childcare costs while you study.

Getting to know your baby

From pregnancy, baby, toddler, pre-school and for you – help, support, advice and events can be found at Health for Under 5s | For healthy, happy early years

Chat Health is a text messaging service run by Health Visitors for Parents/Carers of 0-5 year olds in Hertfordshire.  Text 07480 635164 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm to get advice from the health visiting team

The Institute of Health Visiting  View videos on getting to know your baby, are freely available from the Association for Infant Mental Health UK.

Below are 2 videos from the Association for Infant Mental Health UK.

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