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Fire safety home visits, school visits and open days

This service is only for Hertfordshire schools and residents.

If you're outside Hertfordshire, contact your local fire and rescue service.

Home fire safety self-check

Try our self-checker to find out what you need:

  • It takes 15 mins.
  • Answer questions about your property and lifestyle.
  • You'll get a personalised fire safety action plan at the end.
  • It may suggest we visit your property to install safety measures.

If you have issues accessing this form, or need the information in a different format, email


Request a home fire safety visit

If you or someone you know is elderly, has a disability, or is vulnerable, you can request a home fire safety visit from us. Professionals can also use the form to submit a referral.

Why we need your / the person you are referring’s (hereinafter called the data subject) information

Hertfordshire County Council are the Data Controller for this information.

The data on this form is being gathered for the purpose of conducting a Safe and Well visit.

Our lawful basis for processing the data is the Council’s Public Task with regard to responsibilities for both fire prevention and wellbeing of vulnerable residents.

What we will do with the data subject’s information

The information you give us will be held by the Fire and Rescue Service of Hertfordshire County Council. In order to deliver this service we may share your information with Herts Help, a network of community organisations in Hertfordshire who are contracted to help people find independent support, guidance and information.

We may also use your information to conduct a customer satisfaction survey

How long we will keep the data subject’s information

The information that you supply to us will be kept on file for 6 years after last contact.

Your legal rights


Alternatively, you can call us.


School visits

You may request a visit to your school by local fire station staff.

All visits provide age related safety information and are in line with the curriculum.

Visits usually last between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

All visits are dependent on operational cover and service priorities and may be cancelled at short notice.


Fire station open days

We have no further Open Days in 2024. We’ll list next year’s Open Days early 2025.

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