What is a Screening Opinion Request?

Before submitting a planning application, you can apply for a Screening Opinion Request to see if a development should be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). 

The aim of this is to identify projects that might have significant effects on the environment. A screening opinion helps developers get an idea of how likely an EIA will be needed before a formal application is submitted.

If a development is considered to require an EIA, you can get further advice by requesting a scoping opinion.

Email the Spatial Planning and Economy Unit for more information.

Screening criteria is set out in the Town and Country
Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017.

Buntingford Sewage Treatment Works

Birchall Farm

Harpenden Secondary School

Ware Household Waste Recycling Centre

Westmill ATRF

Westmill Quarry