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Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire's outcome bees

Having a clear outcomes framework provides a vision that everyone can agree to.

It's important because it allows us to set clear targets. We can then look at both outcome measures and outcome indicators to consider how well we're meeting the targets.

Outcome measures are things we can measure directly. For example, the number of children presenting at A & E with an accidental injury is a direct measure.

Alternatively, the number of children who have had road safety training might be chosen as an outcome indicator, that is, a proxy measure rather than a direct measure.

An outcome is a change that results from something having been done. It's not an activity – it's the result of that activity. Outcomes can be positive or negative.

Over a number of months we consulted with a range of people across Hertfordshire to agree a set of outcomes that are most important to our work. We want children, young people, young adults and their families to achieve all outcomes in the framework.

Each of the outcomes covers an outcome area (or domain) rather than a single change. For example, "Be healthy" means different things depending on the individual or family we're working with.

Below are examples of the outcomes an individual may be looking to achieve in each of the domains. We recognise that these are our aspirational outcomes and that everyone may not be all able to achieve all of them.


Be Included honeycomb - rectangular 6 hexagons

Be included

  • I am involved and central in making decisions that affect my life.

  • I feel accepted as I am, including my age, sexuality, disability, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, belief.

  • I have a voice and my opinions are heard and valued without being judged.

  • I have a choice about the support I receive, when and where I get these and that they are sensitive and inclusive of my culture, faith and background.

  • I feel like I belong,  I have a sense of purpose and am part of a family/ community.

  • I have received feedback on how my views have made a difference.


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Be healthy

  • I am physically healthy.

  • I am mentally and emotionally healthy.

  • I have a positive and respectful approach to sexual health and relationships.

  • I live a healthy lifestyle and make healthy choices relating to diet and exercise.

  • I enjoy today and look forward to the future.

  • I have the information I need to understand risks and make the right choices.


Be safe trans png

Be safe

  • I am protected from abuse, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation.

  • I am safe from accidental injury and death.

  • I am safe from bullying and discrimination, including through social media.

  • I am safe from crime and anti-social behaviour.

  • I have safe relationships and feel safe and cared for in a home environment.

  • I make safe choices and am able to resist peer pressure.


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Be ambitious

  • I am ready and able to access learning at school, college or another setting.

  • I attend, engage and enjoy school/other learning settings.

  • I have the motivation and ability to learn and develop.

  • I am supported to perform to the best of my ability.

  • I am encouraged to learn and try new things, both in and outside the classroom.

  • I am developing the skills I will need in adulthood.


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Be resilient

  • I am aware of, and can express, my rights and responsibilities.

  • I have good relationships with friends, family and in the community.

  • I am self-confident and able to deal with life’s challenges.

  • I can understand and manage / regulate my emotions.

  • I am positive about my identity and accept myself for who I am.

  • My talents are recognised and nurtured.


Be independent trans png

Be independent

  • I am able to make good/positive choices in my life.

  • I get the help I need to manage my money.

  • I am developing the skills I need to be self-sufficient/manage my own care and support.

  • I am engaged in further education, employment or training on leaving school.

  • I am given the preparation and support I need to live independently.

  • I am supported to work and to make a positive contribution to society.

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Be happy

  • I feel like I belong, have a sense of  purpose and am part of a family/community.

  • I feel valued, loved and cared for.

  • I have a good quality of life.

  • I do the things that matter to me and have a social life of my choice.

  • I have a voice and my opinions are heard and valued.

  • I feel that my life has meaning.


About the outcomes

The Be outcomes are interlinked – all the "bees" are important for the whole person and we'd rarely expect to look at 1 outcome in isolation from the others.

The layout broadly reflects the psychologist Maslow’s thinking about needs. The most fundamental needs are along the bottom (be healthy and safe) and move up to happiness (or self actualisation) at the top.

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