When you move into or out of Hertfordshire, you need to tell the council that currently gives you care.
Moving to Hertfordshire
Talk to the council that currently gives you care, if you're moving to Hertfordshire. They will contact us directly to talk about your care and to make arrangements, if needed.
We will:
- contact you to introduce ourselves
- give you the name of the person who will stay in contact with you
- talk to you about what care you need
- talk to you about the care you get now.
We call this a care assessment. We do this to make sure you get the care you need from us.
Local authorities - placing an adult in Hertfordshire
Information for local authorities when placing an adult with care and support needs into services within Hertfordshire.
If you wish to:
- inform us about an adult you're placing into Hertfordshire
- contact us to enquire about provision in Hertfordshire that you're considering
Please email ACSCommissioning.support@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
What to include in your email:
- name of the provider
- type of service (e.g. residential care)
- location of the service
- whether the person is a working age adult or an older person
- the person's primary support need.
- in the subject line, please include the name of your local authority and "OOA placement".
Please don't include personal information about the service user, unless their placement in Hertfordshire has already been confirmed or you're notifying us of someone who is already placed in Hertfordshire.
Moving away from Hertfordshire
Let us know you're moving away if you're planning to leave Hertfordshire and we currently give you care.
It will be your new council's job to give you care.
We will:
- tell your new council about your current care needs
- help you get information and advice from your new council
- help your carer (if you have one) before and during the move.
Your new council will contact you to introduce themselves.
Your care when you move
At first, your new council should give you the same care you currently get.
They will talk to you about about your needs to see if anything needs to change. Your needs might change when you move house.
Your equipment
You can take your equipment with you when you move house. Your new council will help you look after it.
If you have equipment on long-term loan from the NHS, your new council will see if you can take this too.
Direct payments when you move
Some people get a direct payment. This is money we give people to help them buy the care they need.
If you get a direct payment, the amount of money you get might change when you move. Your new council will talk to you about it.
Carers – what happens when the person you look after moves
You can get help if you're an unpaid carer and the person you look after is moving away from Hertfordshire.
Contact the new council to find out what support they can give you.