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Hertfordshire County Council


Buntingford First School

London Road

Telephone: 01763 290350


Head teacher: Vikki Johnston

School type: First Mixed

School category: Academy

School number: 241

DFE number: 919-2121

Nursery class: Yes

Published Admission Number: 60

(how many children this school is admitting)

Number of children on roll: -1

Admission rules for a place to start in September 2024

This school is its own admitting authority.

Read Buntingford First School admission rules for 24-25

Admission rules if you want a place at the school to start now

The Admission rules information is not available for this school

Request the admission rules for this school from

How were school places allocated in previous years?

The allocation information is not available for this school.

Distance of the furthest child admitted

Please contact the school for further information about distance allocations.

Use our 'Find Your Nearest School' system to identify the "nearest" school to your child's home address, in accordance with Hertfordshire County Council's admission arrangements.

Vacancies (for in year applications)

Yes - there are vacancies in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4

Updated: 27 July 2024

Vacancy information is only relevant to in year applications.

Schools aim to update their vacancy information every 2 weeks.

Treat this information as a guide only – the situation can change on a daily basis.

Performance and Ofsted

Performance table for Buntingford First School.

Ofsted report and rating for Buntingford First School.

School officers

Admissions Officer: Alyx Langley1

SEND Local Offer at Buntingford First School

Teach in Herts - see jobs in schools.

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