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Hertfordshire County Council


Thorley Hill Primary School

Park Lane
Bishop's Stortford
CM23 3NH

Telephone: 01279 654496


Head teacher: Diana Gunn

School type: Primary Mixed

School category: Community

School number: 211

DFE number: 919-2242

Nursery class: Yes

Published Admission Numbers: Not available at present.

Number of children on roll: 234

Free Childcare

2 year old funding: No

30 hours funding: No

Admission rules for a place to start in September 2025

Admission rules if you want a place at the school to start now

How were school places allocated in previous years?

The allocation information is not available for this school.

Distance of the furthest child admitted

Please contact the school for further information about distance allocations.

Use our 'Find Your Nearest School' system to identify the "nearest" school to your child's home address, in accordance with Hertfordshire County Council's admission arrangements.

Vacancies (for in year applications)

The in year vacancies information is not available for this school at present.

Vacancy information is only relevant to in year applications.

Schools aim to update their vacancy information every 2 weeks.

Treat this information as a guide only – the situation can change on a daily basis.

Performance and Ofsted

Performance table for Thorley Hill Primary School.

Ofsted report and rating for Thorley Hill Primary School.

School officers

Admissions Officer: Jack Dodkins

In Year Admissions Officer: Joanne Lee

Local Authority Attendance Officer: Hayley Walton

District Schools Effectiveness Advisor: Tracy Warner

SEND Local Offer at Thorley Hill Primary School

Teach in Herts - see jobs in schools.

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