Public domain properties that we own but no longer need are put up for sale. The properties are advertised and sold through an outside local agent - we do not list them on our website.
If you'd like more information about running a club or service in Hertfordshire, you can get in touch with the appropriate department below:
These help us to deliver services as diverse as schools, libraries, fire stations, waste management sites, adult and children’s social care.
Every year, we review our land and properties with the service teams. If we find we no longer need some properties, we’ll make them available for rent or sale.
Measured term contracts
We have a number of measured term contracts in place for the delivery of:
Framework agreement arrangements
Our frameworks provide us, and other local public sector bodies including schools, with access to a wide range of property maintenance, management and construction services.
There are no guaranteed volumes or values of works attached to the framework agreements, and the authorities named as users of the frameworks have no obligation to use them.
- Lot 1 - Asbestos analytical services
- Lot 2 - Planning
- Lot 3 - Highways advice
- Lot 4 - Multi-disciplinary services
- Lot 5 – Cost consultant