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Hertfordshire County Council


What's happening now

We want to hear your thoughts about nature in Hertfordshire. Complete the local nature recovery survey to help us build a picture of nature recovery issues in Hertfordshire and tell us what matters to you.


You can also now register your site or project to be included in the mapping for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

We're interested in private and public opportunities, so please consider whether the authorities you represent have sites or projects that can be submitted through this process, no matter how big or small.

Whether you’re interested in growing wildflower meadows to support pollinators, tree planting to lock up carbon, or river restoration to improve water quality, if you want to help nature recover, register your site or project.

In order to map priority areas for nature which will have wider environmental benefits, we need to understand where Hertfordshire land managers can create and restore habitat. You can let us know that you're interested in creating or restoring habitat on your land, or that you're already doing so.

If your site is included in the strategy, it could also help to attract funding from future agri-environment schemes, biodiversity net gain and private investment.

What's happening next

Here's what's happening over the next 4 months:

Arrow pointing forward


Site identification survey

LNRS team attending agricultural events.

Workshops on species and sites.

Workshops with environmental bodies.


In person workshops around Hertfordshire. 

Virtual workshops. 

Site identification survey still open.

Priority species longlist being refined. 


Opportunity areas starting to be identified.

Priority species shortlisted.


Opportunity areas continuing to be identified.


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