Community Risk Management Plan

Our plan outlines Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service’s vision for a safer and more resilient community where lives are protected, and individuals thrive.

The Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2024-2028 includes the key risks and challenges facing Hertfordshire residents and sets out how we will use the resources we have to respond to them, coordinating our work to improve public safety and save lives.

The document includes: 

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Fire Cover Review (FCR) 

This fire cover review is our assessment of foreseeable fire and rescue related risk in Hertfordshire.

We believe this document, coupled with our Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP), lays the foundations for an approach to mitigating.

risks that will enable us to meet the needs of Hertfordshire in an innovative, inclusive and relevant way.

Fire Cover Review (FCR) 2019-2023 (PDF 6MB)


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Statement of Assurance

Our Statement of Assurance 2022/23 provides information about:

  • Financial arrangements
  • Governance
  • Operational matters

It was approved by our audit committee on 30 November 2023.

Statement of Assurance 2022-2023


His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)

Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service is pleased with its improved performance, as detailed in HMICFRS most recent inspection report.

HMICFRS visited Hertfordshire early in 2022 to inspect the work of the service under three pillars: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and People. Since the last report in 2018, the service has moved from ‘Requires Improvement’ in all three pillars to a ‘Good’ rating in two out of the three areas of inspection.

The Inspectorate has once again acknowledged:

  • the strength of the service’s emergency response arrangements,
  • the skills and professionalism of its firefighters and incident commanders, 
  • the high standard of training to ensure the continued delivery of a strong and effective emergency response. 


  • The service’s contribution to national response arrangements
  • the quality of our specialist equipment and, once again,
  • the expertise of our staff,

The report identifies the particular progress made in how HFRS supports its people, judging it to be good at

  • Promoting the right values and culture
  • Getting the right people with the right skills
  • Managing performance and developing leaders

HMICFRS also reported  there were some areas of our work that we could improve and the service will now develop an action plan that;

  • builds on our identified strengths
  • addresses the areas where we can deliver further improvement

HMICFRS Final Inspection Report 2021-22

HMICFRS Spotlight report

HMICFRS Spotlight report - progress against recommendations



The Community Protection Directorate Annual Report 2023/24 covers Trading Standards, Resilience, County Community Safety Unit and Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue. It provides an overview of performance from across the directorate for the period 01/04/23 to 31/03/24.

CPD annual performance report (1.72MB PDF)