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Hertfordshire County Council

This is always a difficult time. Here is what you need to know about registering.

You can register the death of a stillborn child at any register office in Hertfordshire. Book an appointment by calling us on 0300 123 4045. 

If your pregnancy ends from 24 weeks onwards, you need to register a stillbirth.


What you need on the day

You'll need to give the register office the Medical Certificate of Stillbirth that was issued to you by your doctor or midwife.

The Registrar will ask you for the following details:


  • The date and place of the stillbirth
  • The forename(s) and surname, if the parents wish to name the child
  • The sex of the child


If unmarried to the mother, the father must attend with the mother for these details to be entered:

  • forename(s) and surname
  • date and place of birth
  • occupation at the time of the stillbirth or, if not employed at that time, the last occupation.


  • Forename(s) and surname
  • Maiden surname if the mother is/has been married
  • Date and place of birth
  • Occupation at the time of the stillbirth or, if not employed at that time, the last occupation
  • Usual address at the date of the stillbirth
  • Date of marriage, if married to the child's father at the time of the stillbirth
  • Number of previous children by the present husband and by any former husband


People who can register a stillbirth

  • The mother of the baby.
  • The father if he's married to the mother at the time of stillbirth.
  • Someone who was present at the stillbirth.
  • The person who found the stillborn child.


Baby loss certificate

If your pregnancy ends before 24 weeks, you can get a certificate in memory of your baby.  It’s free to get a certificate.

Request a baby loss certificate (GOV.UK)

You do not need to request a certificate if you prefer not to. It’s optional.

The certificate is not a legal document – for example, you can't use it to claim benefits. The certificate will not be added to your GP record.


Bereavement services

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