Local Models
In addition to COMET, we also have more detailed microsimulation-based local models in Hemel Hempstead, Hertford, Stevenage and Watford.
Whilst each of these models have different base years and coverages, they're potentially available to test developments and access arrangements in more detail than the strategic model.
Find out more:
Using the models
We encourage local planning authorities and developers to use pre-existing models where possible. You can commission bespoke option tests of the countywide model COMET by contacting our Transport Planning and Data Team.
To make use of these pre-existing models, please either contact us or complete the model test proforma (DOC, 151kb).
COMET Model Test FAQS: Frequently asked Questions and Answers (DOC 109KB)
Contact us about accessing the models...
Transport Planning and Data Team
Hertfordshire County Council
Email: Tpdata@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Phone: 01992 588 615
The commissioning process
The process is broadly:
- Complete the model test proforma (DOC, 128kb) providing details of trip generation and distribution, access arrangements and any associated mitigation schemes.
- Initial meeting / call to agree the details of the test with HCC’s Transport Modelling Team and a Development Management officer.
- HCC and Framework Consultants commit to providing a cost estimate and fee proposal to an applicant within 10 working days.
- Client needs to respond in writing, agreeing to specification to be provided.
- The test will then be commissioned through our Transport Planning Framework.
- HCC and/or an approved Framework Consultant(s) will undertake the model test and support with outputs.
- Framework Consultant invoices us for the work. We then invoice the Applicant (cost of model work plus additional Model Maintenance Fee).
If you'd like to use the local town-based models, contact the Transport Planning & Data Team. Model runs can either be commissioned through our Transport Framework Consultant or, in some circumstances, can be supplied under licence (on agreement of a Memorandum of Understanding and Payment of a model usage and audit fee).
Timescale and cost
Typically the process will take 6-8 weeks.
The cost of the work depends on:
- the amount of coding required
- the number of options to be tested
- the level of reporting.
The cost will be confirmed in the specification provided by HCC.
See indicative model costs (XLS, 11kb)
We charge a fee for modelling access and data supplied to organisations. We determine the fee by the type of data and the number of datasets requested. More about our data charging policy (PDF 131Kb).