Our WasteAware strategies

Find out about our 20 year waste management plan and keep track of how we're doing. For older copies of any of these documents, please contact us.


Recycling centre policies

Enforcement policy – recycling centres (PDF 467kb)
Our enforcement policy sets out what action we will take when visitors behave inappropriately.

Customer charter - recycling centres

To make your recycling centre visit a positive experience, we've laid down some simple guidelines in our customer charter.

Before your visit:

  • Dig out proof of your current address. You can visit Hertfordshire recycling centres if you pay your Council Tax to Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire or Essex councils. Acceptable proof of address is your driving licence, Council Tax bill, Hertfordshire bus pass or a utility bill.
  • Check your recycling centre web page to ensure the site isn't temporarily closed. Sometimes we need to close for up to 30mins to change containers or make the site safe.
  • Extinguish and separate out any flammable items.
  • Only bring items you can carry and separate them by material.
  • Wear safety gloves and flat, closed-toed shoes.
  • Leave yourself enough time to get here and unload before we close.


If you're planning to visit us on foot, email us at wasteaware@hertfordshire.gov.uk in advance so we can make staff aware. They'll help you safely in and out of the centre.


While you're at the recycling centre

Find out what we expect from you, and what you can expect from us, in our customer charter (PDF, 67KB).

CCTV, number plate recognition and body worn video cameras

Why we have introduced CCTV and ANPR on our Sites

Closed circuit television (CCTV), automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) and body worn video (BWV) cameras operate at all of our recycling centres. 

These are used:

  • For personal safety on site of public and staff.
  • To monitor access to the sites and ensure their security.
  • To deter illegal deposit of commercial waste.
  • For the prevention and detection of crime such as site break ins.
  • To monitor excessive/frequent users and enforce the van permit scheme.
  • To monitor traffic congestion.
  • To manage the disposal of waste in the most cost effective way.
  • To help determine waste levels entering the site.
  • To provide site usage data.

As a Local Authority, Hertfordshire County Council has a responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 51 which states that a waste disposal authority has a duty to provide recycling centres facilities.  The operation of CCTV and ANPR will assist in the provision of an effective recycling centre service. In order to delivery this service we will share your information with our contractors Eurovia. From time to time operatives on the sites may use BWVs to record exchanges with individuals on site. Operatives must warn you verbally if they are using a BWV as they start recording.

How does this affect me?

The data recorded by the CCTV, ANPR and BWV systems will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.

The information will be held by the WMU team of Hertfordshire County Council and will only be used for the purposes listed above.

Any images captured will be held for 31 days then deleted as normal practice, but will be retained if they are required for an investigation:

  • Images required for criminal proceedings.  Will be kept for the time period required to pursue and resolve the criminal proceedings.
  • Images linked to a personal injury claim (e.g. trip or fall on site) will be retained for three years from cause, accident or from injury noted.
  • Images linked to damage of property (e.g. site users vehicle being damaged by site equipment) will be retained for six years from cause.

For more information see the Surveillence Camera Policy (PDF 301Kb)

What are your rights?

 Hertfordshire County Council will be the Data Controller for this information.

You have a number of rights over the data we collect and hold about you.

  • You have the right to be informed about what information we hold about you and how we use it.
  • You have the right to request copies of any information the Council holds about you by making a subject access request.
  • If information we hold about you is factually inaccurate you have the right to have it corrected.
  • You have the right to object to the way we are using your data.
  • You have the right to request that your data is deleted. However we may be unable to delete your data if there is a need for us to keep it. In this case you will receive an explanation of why we need to keep the data.
  • You can also request that we stop using your data while we consider a request to have it corrected or deleted. There may be some circumstances in which we are unable to do this however we will provide an explanation if this is the case.
  • In certain circumstances you may also request data we hold about you in a format that allows it to be transferred to another organisation.
  • In the event that decisions are taken using automated processes you have the right to request that these decisions are reviewed by a member of staff and to challenge these decisions.

If you would like to request copies of your data, request that your data is deleted or have any other queries in relation to data which the Council holds about you please contact the Data Protection Team.

Data Protection Team

Hertfordshire County Council
County Hall
Pegs Lane
SG13 8DQ

Tel: 01992 588099

Email: data.protection@hertfordshire.co.uk

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer at dataprotection.officer@hertfordshire.gov.uk or in writing to the address above.

If you are unhappy with the way that Hertfordshire County Council has used your data or with the way we have responded to a request you also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office www.ico.org.uk .

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Herts Waste Partnership strategies and reports

Hertfordshire Waste Partnership annual report 2022-2023 (PDF 4.83MB)

Our annual report takes a look at the activities and challenges faced by our partnership over the last year.

Hertfordshire joint municipal waste management strategy

Our waste management strategy outlines our current position, our future objectives and how we plan to deliver them.

Waste spatial strategy

This document sets out an assessment of desirable new and improved waste management facilities required in Hertfordshire over the period to 2031 and beyond.


Herts Waste Partnership meetings

We hold 4 public meetings a year. Members of the public are welcome. If you'd like to come along, take a look at our protocol for attendance (PDF 183kb) Opening a new window first.

For copies of our past meeting documents, contact duncan.jones@hertfordshire.gov.uk.

Hertfordshire fly-tipping group

Hertfordshire fly-tipping group is a multi-agency taskforce, improving how Hertfordshire responds to fly tipping.