The Validation Checklist details the types of information that must be submitted with certain types of applications so they can be accepted by the Council as a ‘valid’ submission.
An application must be registered as ‘valid’ by the Council. For your application to be accepted as valid you must provide all of the required information, or a reason for not providing it.
You are advised to enter into pre-application discussions with a Planning Officer prior to the submission of an application to:
- Confirm the scope of the information that will be required.
- Establish whether the proposal satisfies the Council’s policies and planning guidance.
- To seek a view whether planning permission is likely to be granted.
These requirements only refer to the information that is required to validate an application. You should be aware that the Local Planning Authority may still require and request further information or supporting documentation post validation where considered necessary.
Get the Local Planning Authority involved at an early stage to reduce the need for additional information. This will help the authority to make decisions within a target of 8 or 13 weeks.