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Hertfordshire County Council

To ensure home to school transport is running as efficiently and effectively as possible and to deliver best value for Hertfordshire taxpayers, home to school transport is regularly reviewed. We are currently reviewing all transport used by young people attending mainstream schools, including students with special educational needs and/or Educational Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).

Current mode of transport

As part of the review, all modes of transport will be considered for your child, for the majority of students, a ‘door to door’ service is not provided. Children are expected to walk a reasonable distance to and from pick-up and drop-off points, at the beginning and end of their journey.

When transport has been provided because there is not a safe walking route to the nearest school, students are still expected to walk to a pick-up point on an "available walking route".

Potential changes to transport could be:

  • A move to a dedicated educational bus (e-route)
  • Issue of a bus pass - for young people able to use public transport to get to school
  • Young people sharing a taxi/small vehicle but with more than one school destination (only for schools close to each other)
  • Collection at a designated pick up/drop off point rather than door to door


Students with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)

All students with an EHCP currently travelling in a taxi or small vehicle will be reviewed on an individual basis, taking into consideration any medical, special educational needs, disability and/or mobility problems.

Students with Special Educational Needs but not an EHCP

Transport options will be considered on an individual basis taking into consideration your child’s ability to walk to school, any special educational needs, disability and/or mobility issues and any exceptional circumstances.

Change of taxi/small vehicle provider

Your existing transport provider may change.  If your transport provider changes you will be notified in writing.  For any child who has SEND and/or EHCP, taxi providers are expected to arrange a ‘meet and greet’ prior to transport commencing.  


If you believe that the transport arranged for your child is unsuitable, you can appeal giving reasons to explain your view. Evidence, including that provided by independent medical professionals, will be taken into consideration when making the decision. 

Appeal a school transport decision | Hertfordshire County Council

If you want to make your own arrangements

Many parents prefer to make their own travel arrangements rather than use council contracted transport. We will pay travel costs in the form of a Personal Travel Budget (PTB). Email to to apply.

For more information on home to school transport please visit Home to school transport policy 2024-25 (

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