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Hertfordshire County Council

Fraud Investigation Service


The Shared Anti-Fraud Service (SAFS) at Hertfordshire County Council can support you with a broad range of award-winning anti-fraud activities. We can provide you with a bespoke service designed to suit your needs.


Tenancy Fraud Services

Reactive and proactive investigation of illegal sub-let, non-occupancy and abandonment of social housing properties for Registered Providers of Social Housing.

Tenancy Fraud Service – contact us

Investigation Services

Reactive and proactive investigation of civil, criminal and internal disciplinary matters for public bodies.

Investigation Services – contact us

Intelligence Services

Collating and validating intelligence, evaluating the reliability of sources and credibility of information using a variety of tools.

Intelligence Services – contact us


Accredited Financial Investigation Services

Our Accredited Financial Investigator is authorised by the NCA to use the powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act to help public bodies recover money lost through crime.

Accredited Financial Investigation Services – contact us

Accredited Financial Intelligence Services

Our Accredited Financial Team can undertake lifestyle and other financial checks for the potential imposition of Unlawful Profit Orders and the recovery of monies/assets lost to fraud.

Accredited Financial Intelligence Services – contact us

Fraud Prevention / Fraud Risk Assessment Services

Prevention and Risk Assessment Services – contact us

Bespoke Fraud Risk Assessments, fraud action plans, fraud alerts and training in all aspects of counter-fraud, bribery, corruption and anti-money laundering.



Specialist areas

We specialise in counter fraud measures in a large number of areas including:

  • Blue Badge – from application fraud to misuse and counterfeit badges
  • care services – false applications for adults and children services
  • commissioning of services – joint commissioning, third sector partnerships, conflicts of interest and collusion
  • Council Tax – false claims for discounts and exemptions, fraud against local Council Tax Reduction schemes
  • cyber-enabled fraud – enables a range of fraud types resulting in diversion of funds, creation of false applications for services and payments
  • grant fraud – application fraud, funds diverted, ineligibility not declared, organised attempts to defraud new schemes
  • housing / tenancy – fraudulent applications for housing or homelessness, unlawful sub-letting and abandonment of properties, Right to Buy or succession
  • insurance fraud – false or exaggerated claims for loss, personal injury or damage to property
  • identity fraud – use of false identities for financial gain
  • money laundering – exposure to suspect transactions
  • payroll / insider fraud – diverting monies to personal accounts, accepting bribes, false expense claims, abuse of position, false references or qualifications, failure to declare interests 
  • procurement and contract – tendering issues, split contracts, double invoicing, bid rigging and cartels
  • schools – procurement fraud, payroll fraud, internal fraud
  • no recourse to public funds – fraudulent claim of eligibility.

We can provide:

  • full lifecycle investigations and prosecutions
  • effective risk management and proactive data analytics
  • 24/7 confidential fraud reporting systems
  • counter fraud training for your staff, contractors and partner agencies
  • regular fraud threat alerts and shared best practice
  • recovery of financial loss.



Our teams

SAFS is a centre of excellence and one of a very few local authorities with a License to Operate under the Government Counter Fraud Profession Practitioners Group, ensuring that our investigations meet the highest standards at all times.

All our officers are fully trained and accredited for their roles, be this in specialist intelligence, financial investigation, criminal investigations, disciplinary investigations or tenancy fraud.

Intelligence Services

SAFS is an intelligence led counter fraud unit.

The team has a breadth of experience in conducting enquiries using specialist data sources, third party intelligence providers and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) to support the investigation of fraud, as well as handling and sifting allegations of fraud.

We work with a number of third-party software providers to assist our intelligence offering using lawful gateways to access, disseminate and use data from a myriad of sources. 

This enhances our capability to provide an effective service and to access and share data across a wide range of partner organisations.

Volume Team

Our Volume Team deals with the majority of our reactive investigations and provide the appropriate response to each referral based on the level of risk and value of loss.

We aim to resolve investigations as speedily and thoroughly as possible. Our aim is to prevent loss and achieve savings for our clients. This will often result in non-judicial outcomes.

The team investigate to a criminal standard and in accordance with current legislation and best practice, so where appropriate sanctions may be applied or criminal action considered.

Complex Team

Our Complex Team deals with matters which can include internal investigations, procurement or contract fraud, cases involving payment / cyber enabled crime, or where investigations involve more sensitive service areas such as adult care, schools or children’s services. 

The team investigate to a criminal standard and in accordance with current legislation and best practice, so where appropriate sanctions may be applied or criminal action considered.

Accredited Financial Investigation Team

Our Accredited Financial Investigators (AFI) have access to the full range of powers under Proceeds of Crime Act to both support investigations which are still live and those cases following criminal trial where recovery action will follow conviction.

Our AFIs are able to acquire data about banks/assets, restrain and freeze funds held in accounts and recover funds in accounts in both civil and criminal proceedings.

We are able to assist organisations where Money Laundering offences are suspected and where Unlawful Profit Orders (UPO) are being considered.

Fraud Prevention Team

The team is focused on fraud prevention in its broadest possible sense by providing fraud risk assessments to help organisations understand their vulnerabilities to fraud and where monies and assets can be lost. 

Our team can devise Fraud Plans to tackle these risks and therefore provide value for money.

We provide Fraud Awareness Training- so that staff understand not only their own risks but how these manifests themselves and what to do when that happens. 

Our Fraud Training can be generic, service specific and bespoke. 

This team is constantly scanning the horizon looking for new and emerging fraud threats across numerous sectors and they share this knowledge through fraud alerts and updates to our partners. The team also review all fraud investigations conducted by both the Volume and Complex teams to identify trends or weaknesses in systems which can be escalated to our Partners through Executive Reports which provide management recommendations where areas of  weakness can be addressed. 

Our partners

As well as the expertise in the partner councils that we work with, we also work with a number of external parties to provide lawful access specialist services.

Some of the specialist services we have access to include:

  • Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
  • Vehicle Online Descriptive Searching (VODS)
  • Telecoms data and mapping of telecoms data
  • Banking data
  • Credit Reference Agency (CRA) data
  • Utilities supplier data
  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).

We work with solicitors and counsel specialising in fraud and related crime.

We work with specialist IT service providers for our case management, court file management, data analysis, data mining and data-visualisation.

We are members of national fraud prevention bodies and networking groups to share good practice.




As well as the existing SAFS Partnership across Hertfordshire, we're proud to collaborate with a number of other local authorities and registered providers of social housing.




Hertford Castle image used with permission. © Scott Garrod 2024.

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