Disabled parking bay

You can apply to have a disabled parking bay close to your home.

You can also apply for an existing bay to be remarked.

Any blue badge holder can use this parking bay (it's not just for you).

Some district and borough councils deal with their own disabled parking bay applications.

If you live in Broxbourne, St Albans, Three Rivers or Watford then you can't apply to us.

Before you start...

You'll need the following to apply for a disabled parking bay:

  • a copy of your blue badge (both sides)

  • a copy of your V5C vehicle log book
  • a copy of a DVLA vehicle registration document or proof of a motability vehicle. Your document must show the same address as your application for a parking bay

  • a diagram or photograph of where you want the parking bay to be

  • a copy of your driving licence.

There's no cost for a disabled parking bay.


Can I get a disabled parking bay?

You can get a disabled parking bay if:

  • you are a blue badge holder
  • you regularly drive your car
  • you are a regular passenger in your car
  • you don't have another place to park your car e.g. a driveway
  • you often find it difficult to park close to your house.


We'll also check that:

  • the proposed location doesn't disrupt pedestrians or vehicles
  • your blue badge hasn't expired.


When we receive your application

We'll check that:

  • your blue badge is valid (if your badge expires in the next 3 months, you will need to renew it before applying for a disabled parking bay)
  • the vehicle is registered to your house and kept at the badge holder’s address
  • it's safe to mark a bay near your house i.e. it doesn't adversely affect free pedestrian or vehicle movement or restrict visibility
  • no more than 10% of the available parking in the street is for disabled parking
  • you don't have another place to park
  • there is a significant demand for parking in the road
  • there are no legal restrictions to marking a bay such as yellow lines.


What happens next?

We'll arrange a visit to look at the site.

In around 6 weeks, we'll let you know if you can have a disabled parking bay.

We paint parking bays between May and October, so you might need to wait if you apply during winter.

Can I appeal if I'm refused a disabled parking bay?

You can appeal by writing to us explaining your reasons for appealing. We can't accept appeals because you do not agree with the criteria.

Write to:



PO Box 153
Gunnels Wood Road

Terms and conditions