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WasteAware Hertfordshire Partnership logo

Waterdale (Garston) Recycling Centre




Opening times


Opening hours 1a6995d5-b2bd-4d96-8be1-75c04dac7289

Opening hours


10am – 6pm


10am – 6pm


10am – 6pm


10am – 6pm


10am – 6pm


10am – 6pm


10am – 6pm

We stop letting in new visitors up to 30 minutes before closing.



We're open on all bank holidays except Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.

Bring proof of address when you visit. You can visit this recycling centre if you pay your Council Tax to a Hertfordshire council. Please bring proof of address (e.g. driving licence, Council Tax bill, Hertfordshire bus pass or a utility bill).

How busy is the recycling centre right now?


What you can bring




How busy is it?


Queue cam

(Image updates every 10 seconds)








Tips to avoid the queues

  • Try to avoid school and bank holidays.
  • Pre-sort your waste to save time when you get here.
  • Try using other recycling points.


How to get here


Our guidance for visitors explains what you can expect from our centres and staff, and what we expect from you. Please stay safe and treat our staff with respect. Aggression towards our staff could lead to prosecution.


CCTV, number plate recognition and body worn video cameras – why we have them and what we do with the data.


If you have a disability that makes it difficult to climb steps, do ask our site staff for help.

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