We're committed to achieving diversity and equality of opportunity as a large employer of people and as a provider of services. We celebrate the fact that our staff and our communities are all very different.
Equality Strategy
Our Equality Strategy is a framework we follow to measure our progress and success in how we tackle inequality and promote diversity. It explains the key issues we have agreed to address and how we will meet our legal requirements. We make sure there are equal opportunities and diversity in our workforce.
Public Sector Equality Duty
As well as our Equality Strategy there is a wealth of evidence on how Hertfordshire meets the Public Sector Equality Duty (contained in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010) to:
- eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
- advance equality of opportunity between people from different groups
- foster good relations between people from different groups.
In response to the Specific Duty to publish information, we publish an Annual Report that gives some examples of how we are complying with the Duty and links to further information, including the Annual Equality Profile of our workforce.
Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2024 (PDF 5.19MB)
Annual report
This report sets out how we’re meeting our equality duties and celebrates our key achievements, organised under the themes of the Equality Framework for Local Government.
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Workforce Equality Profiles
We aim to have a workforce that represents the Hertfordshire community.
Our Workforce Equalities Profiles give breakdowns of the workforce profile by sex, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and age.
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County equality and diversity profiles
Equality impact assessments
Equality impact assessments provide a way for the council to consider impact on different groups protected from discrimination by The Equality Act 2010. They also help us consider how best to provide help and support to those who need it most and to plan services that are as accessible and fair as possible.
Equality impact assessments are usually carried out by council departments when a new service is developed, there is a review of a service or a major policy change. Their findings are considered by decision makers. This is to make sure decisions, policies or procedures do not have unintended consequences for people with protected characteristics.
We also complete an equality impact assessment every year when we publish our .
Equality impact assessments accompany relevant consultation exercises and Cabinet and Panel papers. Other EqIAs we have carried out are available on request from equalities@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
Social Care Workforce Race Equality Action Plan
Read our action plan developed to address inequality experienced by staff in Adult Care Services and Children's Services due to their race.
For older copies of these documents or any other help, please email equalities@hertfordshire.gov.uk.
Equality and diversity calendarKey cultural and religious dates and celebrations of achievement in different communities across the county.
Support and information for specific groups
Find out about key help and support available to children, young people and adults in Hertfordshire, broken down by different equality strands.
Children and young people
Care, support and learning for children and families
Our key services include adoption and fostering and how we support children in our care. You can also read about attending schools and childcare and Children’s Centres.
Family safeguarding
Find out about our ground-breaking project to change the way we work with families to transform the lives of children and young people at risk of harm.
Achievement and inclusion in schools
Read about how schools promote equality, diversity and achievement for all.
Adult social care and sensory services
Find details of help and support available to adults with care and support needs. This includes day services and activities, care services, transport for older people, mental health and dementia, money advice and benefits.
HertsHelp: need help but don’t know where to turn?
HertsHelp’s free, independent service is available to everyone who lives in Hertfordshire. Qualified staff on the HertsHelp helpline will listen and support you to find the help you need and can put you in touch with organisations that can support you and your family.
Step2Skills runs a range of high quality courses for adults aged 19+. Their courses are low cost in order to help improve the skills and wellbeing of people living in Hertfordshire.
People with disabilities
Adults with disabilities
Get help applying for a Blue Badge, registering as disabled, travelling, and other support. Find out about Day Services.
Children and young people with disabilities
Hertfordshire’s Local Offer is the door to finding information and support available for children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their families.
People with sensory needs
Find out how we support children and adults with sight and/or hearing loss and their carers.
Learning Disability Partnership Board
Read about how we and other organisations in Hertfordshire work with people with learning disabilities to improve their lives.
Accessible venues for people with disabilities
Visit Disabled Go to see access guides for a range of venues across the county
Read about the help and support we and other organisations in Hertfordshire can give you if you are an unpaid carer on our carers pages.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people
Toolkit for dealing with hate crime
The LGBT partnership has produced a toolkit that offers support and advice for LGBT people who may have experienced some sort of violence, harassment or abuse. It aims to help you help yourself, know when to ask for help and where to get it.
Young Pride in Herts
Run by Services for Young People in collaboration with young LGBT+ people in the county, it provides information and advice on a range of issues including gender identity, taking care of your health and what to do if you are experiencing hate crime.
Trans Unite
Trans Unite is a volunteer run, non profit organisation which helps members of the transgender and non-binary communities find local support groups, and online-only support groups too.
Religion and belief
If you are interested in the work of faith groups in Hertfordshire, read about the work of the Herts Interfaith Forum.
Other community organisations and groups
Find other local community organisations, groups and clubs that can provide
information, advice and support.