We (Hertfordshire County Council) are the minerals and waste planning authority for Hertfordshire and produce the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

Emerging Minerals and Waste Local PlanAdopted Minerals Local PlanAdopted Waste Local Plan

We also produce the following documents:

The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme

The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) is a public statement setting out our programme for preparing and monitoring the minerals and waste local plan.

It's updated periodically to reflect changes in the timelines for reviewing the plan.

Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (PDF 382kb) Opening a new window

Minerals and Waste Authority's Monitoring Report

We are legally required to produce an Authority's Monitoring Report (AMR) as part of the local plan process.

The AMR is produced annually and covers the period from 1 April to 31 March. Amongst other matters, the AMR will monitor the following information:

  • the progress with local plan preparations including reviewing the timetable for plan production as specified in the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme; the stages the documents have reached in their preparation and any reasons for slippage in the prescribed timetable
  • the performance and implementation of policies, including saved policies
  • the targets and indicators within the minerals and waste local plans
  • the capacity of new waste management facilities
  • conformity with national waste regulations
  • details of how we fulfil our duty to cooperate.

The AMRs we produced prior to 2013 included monitoring information on the production of primary land-won and secondary/recycled aggregates for each calendar year.

For older authority monitoring reports, contact us.


Local Aggregate Assessment

We have a duty to prepare an annual Local Aggregate Assessment (LAA). This helps us keep track of aggregate production and ensure there's always a steady supply in Hertfordshire (namely sand, gravel and clay).

We can't source all of our aggregate requirements from within Hertfordshire, so we rely on external sources brought into the county via road or rail aggregate depots, before being transported to development sites. This is particularly the case for hard rock as this is not found within Hertfordshire.

The document details the following information:

  • existing mineral sites (i.e sand and gravel, chalk and clay sites with planning permission to extract)
  • annual sales and end of year reserves for sand and gravel (i.e total tonnage of sand and gravel in Hertfordshire with planning permission to be extracted)
  • aggregate apportionment levels (i.e the amount of sand and gravel the county is expected to contribute to the market on an annual basis)
  • the landbank for sand and gravel (i.e the number of years the total sand and gravel reserves will contribute supply)
  • details of the secondary and recycled aggregate sites in the county and the amount of secondary and recycled aggregate processed

The LAA’s will help to inform the review of the Minerals Local Plan.

The East of England Aggregates Working Party (EEAWP) produces an Annual Monitoring Report on aggregate sales and supply for the East of England region. The membership of EEAWP is drawn from the Mineral Planning Authorities in the East of England region, including Hertfordshire County Council. Membership also includes representatives of the Mineral Products Association, the British Aggregates Association and other interested parties.

Find out more about the EEAWP and see the EEAWP’s Annual Monitoring Reports.

Local Aggregate Assessments:

If you require these documents in a different format, please email MineralsandWaste@hertfordshire.gov.uk.

Statement of Community Involvement

Our Statement of Community Involvement (PDF 718KB) Opening in new window sets out our principles for involving communities in: sets out our principles for involving communities in:

  • the preparation of minerals and waste planning documents
  • the consideration of planning applications for which we are the planning authority.

Waste Facilities Design Guidance

The Waste Facilities Design Guidance (PDF 1.78MB)Opening in a new window covers recommendations to be given consideration on the design of new waste management facilities, in accordance with the adopted Waste Local Plan. 

This document provides planning guidance into aspects of the design of waste management facilities and the expectations of National Planning Policyand can be applied to all waste development proposals within Hertfordshire. If you require this document in a different format, please email MineralsandWaste@hertfordshire.gov.uk.

Contact the Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Team


01992 556227 (office hours are 9am – 5pm)

Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Team
Spatial Planning Unit (CHN216)
Hertfordshire County Council
County Hall
Pegs Lane
SG13 8DN